
Conserve Water While Keeping Your Landscape Beautiful

Richmond & Associates Landscaping works hard to help you conserve water while keeping your landscape beautiful. We have three great locations to serve our Texan clientele better: Carrollton, Fort Worth, and Houston, TX. We also work throughout Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. We offer uniformed, licensed irrigators to service your needs. Our team can design, install, renovate, repair, and maintain your lawn sprinkler system. Let us handle your commercial, multifamily, and residential needs to help save water efficiently. Call our team in Carrollton at (972) 488-4769 or Houston at (713) 467-5296.

New Technology in Irrigation Controllers for Commercial or Residential

You can automatically adjust for landscape and weather conditions while conserving water from your phone. You can save more than just water, save time and money too. Do more than just "shut off" your irrigation to save water. Allow us to retrofit your out-of-date system. Keep in mind traditional irrigation control is wasteful. With today's improved technologies, we can impact water savings, allowing for easy access and remote operation.

There are many benefits to Smart Controllers. They allow you to reduce outdoor overwater usage. It could potentially reduce water waste associated with landscape irrigation by 25-30%. Soon, many water authorities will mandate these changes. It also allows the plant material to receive the proper amount of water to maintain health while saving you money on your water bill.

  • Conventional vs. Smart Controllers

    Conventional controllers rely on timing alone, allowing for watering and high-water bills. Smart controllers use weather, soil moisture, and other conditions to adjust watering schedules to meet the changing moisture requirements of plants. As weather changes, they respond with an updated schedule. It works by the Smart controllers adjusting daily the valve runtime by calculating local weather conditions and plant requirements. You can activate, deactivate, or change the schedule from your office or iPhone, which helps with easy access for emergency shut-off. We can help you select the best system to suit your needs if you are interested.

  • System Tune-up

    We can fully impact the entire system, not just the controller. It is a great idea to retrofit existing systems, adjust for poor design, and install high-uniformity heads. Our teams can adjust misaligned or obstructed heads, broken parts, or clogged nozzles and save you a large amount of water.

  • Irrigation Preferred Plan

    There are many benefits we offer through our Irrigation Preferred Plan. It was designed to help eliminate unnecessary service fees, downtime, and water waste and regulate the landscape's watering. "Richmond" can complete a monthly zone-by-zone inspection of all irrigation controllers throughout the property and submit a detailed report. At that time, we repaired/replaced existing broken spray heads, nozzles, and risers and set all irrigation controllers at no additional charge. Repairs found outside the stated agreement will be submitted for approval to management as a proposal. (I.e., mainlines, valves, wires, controllers, rain and freeze sensors, lateral lines, rotor spray heads, boxes/lids, backflow devices, meters, adjustments, and complex access repairs.)

Why wait any longer? Request a free quote on (972) 488-4769 now.

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